The Badfic Club - Until The End of Time (2024)


This the original badfic written in the '90's. It is a Goku and Anne Frank crossover. (YES, AN ANNE FRANK X GOKU FANFIC)


Anne sighed as she sat in her room, staring at her wall. She just
finished writing in her diary, and had nothing to do. Life was boring
in the Secret Annex, but it was better than the alternative. It
was alright talking to Peter and Margot, but they were both such quiet
people, unlike the always active Anne. All of a sudden, a flash of
light appeared in the room! Anne jumped back, stifling a scream. Before
she could run out the closed door she noticed that the person who
appeared in the flash was not a Nazi officer, but someone who she had
never seen before!

His clothes were very strange, and his hair was in
a spiky style that was totally new to her. She stood against the wall,
wary of the stranger, but he walked towards her and smiled, extending a
hand. "My name is Goku." The mysterious stranger said. Anne nervously
put her hand in his. He bent down and kissed it softly, then let go.
Anne blushed, feeling something she had never felt before go off inside
of her.

"My name is Anne..." she replied quietly. "I'm sorry for what
just happened," Goku told her, "But I was caught in a time portal and
deposited here! My power cells will recharge soon, but until then, I'm
stuck here." Anne had no idea what the handsome visitor was talking
about, but she played along. "Well, sir" she said. "You may stay in my
room as long as you like!" Anne blushed again as she said this, and
giggled slightly. Goku looked around, and then sat on the bed. "Thank
you for the invitation. I'll be sure to repay you for it soon."

Anne did not understand what he meant by that, however, when he spoke, she felt a warmth deep inside of her.

She sat by him on the bed, staring at the man's beautiful eyes. Finally, she could stand it no longer.
Anne leaned over and kissed the stranger on the cheek, and then pulled
back quickly, not sure of what she had done.
"I'm sorry..." she said, as she stumbled to find the right words. The visitor smirked. "
No, that's quite alright." He replied with a smile, putting one arm around
"You know, you're a very beautiful girl, but I... well..."
Anne looked at him, troubled. "What's the matter?" she said, with a sweet
Goku looked nervous. "I... I'm already married." he finally managed to choke out. Anne pulled away from him abruptly.
"No!" she said loudly, almost in tears.
"I'm sorry..." he replied. Anne was furious.
"Nothing ever goes right!" she cried out.
"I have to go now, my power cells have recharged." said Goku. Anne was in tears by now, staring at the wall so she wouldn't see Goku's face. He
smiled a sad smile, and disappeared in another flash, out of Anne's
life forever. Anne never forgot him, though... not until the end of time.

One month. Well, it didn't feel like a month. To Anne Frank, a Jew in hiding from the Nazis, it seemed like a year. One month since the fateful
encounter with the mysterious man from another world, who she only knew as 'Goku'. The handsome stranger had stepped through time and into her life, then disappeared without a trace. Anne was almost sure that they'd never meet again, even though not one day passed without her dreaming of him. Little did she know, however, that their lives were tied by the unbreakable red string of fate.

It was another boring day in the Secret Annex. Anne sat on the bed of her room, writing in her diary. It never occurred to her, however, that
this entry would be her last. As she wrote in the quiet attic, there was a loud noise from downstairs. Her heart jumped with both fear and excitement.
Was it them? The Nazis? Or, could it be....him? She had no idea whether to run downstairs or to hide. That decision, however, was made for her.
Her door flew open, and a tall soldier was visible in the doorway, glaring at her. The cries of her family members and friends were tuned out as Anne
only thought of one thing. She stood up and followed the soldier out of her room, down the stairs, and into the back of a truck. "So this is
it." She said quietly to herself. "I'll never see him, my one true love, ever again. And all those
years of hiding...they were for naught." Then, Anne realized that she left her precious diary up in her
room. She broke loose from the officer, and made a dash back into the shop, when he removed a gun from his holster and fired a shot in her direction. Anne fell to the floor.

The Badfic Club - Until The End of Time (2024)
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Article information

Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 6281

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.