3 Unexpected Ways Loud Budgeting Can Lead to Financial Freedom (2024)

A hot new Gen Z personal finance trend has emerged on TikTok, where young people are talking about the concept of "loud budgeting." The phrase was coined by TikToker Lucas Battle, who said that instead of idolizing celebrities who dress with "quiet luxury," everyday people who want to save money should embrace "loud budgeting."

What is loud budgeting, and how can it help you save money in 2024? Let's find out.

Loud budgeting: A new kind of financial freedom

Often when people are trying to save money, frugality becomes a kind of quiet suffering and monklike self-isolation. You stop seeing friends, you cut back on expensive-but-fun retail therapy, you start eating sad bagged salad kits alone at your desk instead of going out for lunch. It's no wonder that budgeting has a bad reputation. No one wants to deny themselves joy and pleasure, even if their bank account suffers as a result.

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The concept of loud budgeting is about financial freedom of speech. Instead of suffering silently and abandoning your friends because you can't afford to split a bar tab or restaurant bill, loud budgeting lets you be loud and proud about being frugal.

Loud budgeting statements might include:

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  • "Sorry, I can't come out tonight because I'm trying to save money."
  • "I'm trying to make all my meals at home this month so I can pay off my credit card."
  • "I don't want to buy that expensive (clothing item/exercise equipment/new smartphone or gadget) because it's not worth it to me."

Loud budgeting is about declaring your independence from consumerism and embracing a more minimalist lifestyle. You don't have to just mindlessly keep buying what the celebrities and social media influencers are selling. Loud budgeting is egalitarian, inclusive, a way for the average person to fight back against high inflation and overpriced stuff. It's like "Fanfare for the Common Man" for personal finances.

Let's look at a few ways that loud budgeting can improve your personal finances and financial wellness -- beyond just the numbers in the bank.

1. Loud budgeting helps you be mindful about purchases

In the past few years of pandemic isolation, big increases in online shopping, and rising inflation, some people have responded to higher prices with "doom spending" -- buying more stuff, even if they can't really afford it. Many Americans have depleted their savings since 2020. There has also been a recent increase in credit card delinquencies.

Loud budgeting is an antidote to doom spending. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media or online shopping sites to get distracted by new things to buy, loud budgeting helps you be mindful about purchases. It helps debunk and demystify the advertising mind tricks that big companies use to get you to buy stuff you don't need. Instead of helplessly putting more purchases on your credit card, as if you have no free will, loud budgeting lets you say: "I don't want to buy that, and I don't have to!"

2. Loud budgeting helps you set boundaries

Lukas Battle's original (funny and entertaining) TikTok video describes how loud budgeting isn't about "not having enough" money, it's about saying "I don't want to spend it." This can be a healthy way of establishing emotional boundaries -- not just with your money, but with other people in your life.

Lukas gave an example of how, if your friend texts you asking to hang out, you can say to them, "I don't want to spend money on gas so I can come to your place and listen to you talk about your ex for three hours."

It can be hard to be young. Sometimes you might find yourself hanging out too often with people that you don't really enjoy, or spending too much time and money in bars, or on pastimes that really aren't good investments. Loud budgeting can give you clarity and confidence to say, "I would rather not spend my time (and money) on these people or experiences."

3. Loud budgeting helps you know your worth

Lukas Battle's TikTok video describes how, instead of buying luxury clothes or an expensive handbag, it's "more chic, more stylish, more of a flex" to not buy expensive stuff. Loud budgeting is a way to get one over on the system, and keep more of your hard-earned cash for yourself, instead of losing it to soulless corporations.

Loud budgeting is a declaration of financial independence from young people on TikTok. Could this become a big new trend in personal finances? The fact that so many Gen Zers are interested in "loud budgeting" is a sign that many Americans, especially young adults at the early stages of their careers, are feeling tapped out and tired of shopping.

Bottom line: If you want to save more money in 2024, you might want to try "loud budgeting." Be more mindful with your spending, create better boundaries about how you spend (and who you spend time with), and raise your standards for how and when you'll spend money. Loud budgeting could (not so quietly) put extra cash back in your bank account, help you invest your time more profitably, and restore your sense of financial wellness.

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3 Unexpected Ways Loud Budgeting Can Lead to Financial Freedom (2024)


3 Unexpected Ways Loud Budgeting Can Lead to Financial Freedom? ›

Loud budgeting: a financial strategy that involves articulating why you might choose not to spend money, even when you have it. Benefits of loud budgeting include expanding accountability, improving communication, reducing stress, and finding support.

What are the benefits of loud budgeting? ›

Loud budgeting: a financial strategy that involves articulating why you might choose not to spend money, even when you have it. Benefits of loud budgeting include expanding accountability, improving communication, reducing stress, and finding support.

How does budgeting provide you with financial freedom? ›

A budget can often help build financial independence and freedom. A budget can also set you on the right path to achieving your financial goals, spending within your means, saving for retirement, building an emergency fund, and analyzing your spending habits.

What is an example of loud budgeting? ›

Ways to practice loud budgeting

For instance, if you're planning a night out with friends, you may decide not to drink to cut down on your bill, so you're left with more money to put toward your financial goals.

What are the 4 things budgeting can help you do? ›

Budgeting will help you build decision-making skills and reach your financial and academic goals.
  • Watch our video about Budgeting.
  • Budgeting helps you achieve academic and financial goals.
  • Budgeting makes it easier to plan, to save, and to control your expenses.
  • Budgeting can help you avoid debt and improve your credit.

What are the 3 most important parts of budgeting? ›

For any organization, a budget, whether done annually or conducted throughout the year in the form of rolling forecasts, is a critical component for success. Any successful budget must connect three major elements – people, data and process.

What are 3 benefits of budgeting for business? ›

Advantages of budgeting
  • manage your money effectively.
  • allocate appropriate resources to projects.
  • monitor performance.
  • meet your objectives.
  • improve decision-making.
  • identify problems before they occur - such as the need to raise finance or cashflow difficulties.
  • plan for the future.
  • increase staff motivation.

What is needed for financial freedom? ›

Attaining financial freedom requires careful planning, disciplined saving, and strategic investing. It involves setting clear financial goals, creating a budget, reducing unnecessary expenses, and consistently saving a portion of income.

What is loud budgeting? ›

It means saying “no” to expensive dinners that aren't in your budget. But it also means enthusiastically saying “yes” to the things that are. “Loud budgeting” was declared the next trend of 2024 by comedian and writer Lukas Battle, in a somewhat tongue-in-cheek video posted in December, which now has 1.5 million views.

How does loud budgeting suggest achieving financial balance? ›

With loud budgeting, you're bringing your financial goals into the open by being transparent with family and friends about how much you can afford to spend and how you choose to allocate your money. Loud budgeting is a welcome alternative to flaunting lavish purchases or consuming beyond your means.

How to practice loud budgeting? ›

How does loud budgeting work?
  1. You're vocal with your financial boundaries.
  2. You don't feel compelled to explain your financial decisions.
  3. You say no to spending money when you don't want to — it's that simple.
May 7, 2024

What is the biggest wealth tool? ›

“Your most powerful wealth-building tool is your income. And when you spend your whole life sending loan payments to banks and credit card companies, you end up with less money to save and invest for your future. It's time to break the cycle!” the post read, in part.

What are the three 3 major objectives of budgeting? ›

Planning, controlling, and evaluating performance are the three primary goals of budgeting.

What 3 things should a good budget include? ›

What monthly expenses should I include in a budget?
  • Housing. Whether you own your own home or pay rent, the cost of housing is likely your biggest monthly expense. ...
  • Utilities. ...
  • Vehicles and transportation costs. ...
  • Gas. ...
  • Groceries, toiletries and other essential items. ...
  • Internet, cable and streaming services. ...
  • Cellphone. ...
  • Debt payments.

What are the benefits of being loud? ›

Increasing Awareness:

Thinking out loud can enhance your self-awareness. When you vocalize your thoughts and feelings, you're more likely to notice patterns and gain insight into your behaviors, reactions, and beliefs. This heightened self-awareness can lead to personal growth and better decision-making.

Does loud budgeting work? ›

The Bottom Line. Loud budgeting may be a small change in the way you approach your finances, but small shifts can be significant. If it inspires you to set a budget and spend more consciously, that shift can be game-changing.

Why is it important to be loud? ›

Being louder is not just about being heard, it's about making an impact.” Raising your volume, on the other hand, is clear and actionable. Anyone can do that. And when communicators make their point with strong volume, they do seem more authoritative, sound more like leaders and exude confidence.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.